Join our vision for orphans and less fortunate children’s education

Children can become lifelong learners and transform their communities and experience life in its fullness by firstly understanding their purpose of existence along with access to quality education. We work with parents and teachers to address the barriers to quality education for orphans, disabled, and less fortunate children.

A world with opportunities for all – All children have the right to a safe, inclusive, and quality education. We want all children to understand the purpose for which they exist and to be educated in a safe and Christ-Center environment, to lead productive and fulfilling lives.



Delano King Foundation provides spiritual, educational, and emotional support to underprivileged and orphaned students in Liberia. Since our inception, the organization has focused on meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the vulnerable populations of Liberia.

The Delano King Foundation Africa Orphaned Scholarship aims to empower orphans and underprivileged children through elementary and secondary education each year. Orphans and less fortunate children are the most vulnerable individuals in the communities and the scholarship would help them integrate into community development and leadership.




  • Tuition fees
  • Uniforms
  • Educational Supplies (Notebook, pencil, pen, etc.)
  • Monthly living stipend for food; not to exceed $100 per month


 Applicants for the scholarship must:

  • Be an orphan, having lost one or both parents
  • Must be considered an underprivileged child
  • Be a natural person
  • Be a Liberian citizen

2022 Graduates

Marthalyn Nyanneh


Marthalyn (disabled) is a visually impaired, young, and brilliant Liberian who desires to become a Human Right Lawyer someday.

Tetee Williams


At the height of the Ebola epidemic in Liberia, Tetee Williams watched as the ruthless virus ravaged her mother.